About us

Who we are?

As a company that began its work in 2011, our success is assured by experience gained from the many projects carried out up to the present. Starting in Web Design, Wippo IT managed to be in trend with technologies delivering to its customers complex, interactive and professionally structured solutions optimized for our customers business. In the next two years of activity, more and more companies inquired us to create for them various specialized systems ( like CRM, SFA, POD) to optimize their business processes. These systems developed / implemented by us, which work even today, had a significant input in company management, gaining excellent references from our customers. As the demand from the Moldova market’s management rose, we developed and interconnected multiplatform systems based on technologies like Web Interface, Software Interface and Mobile Apps.

Our special team

Our specialists’ qualifications and experience in the Development department enables us to develop customized solutions for various Web platforms, Software and Mobile. IT Security and Infrastructure Department provides services including management, security, IT infrastructure audit and other specialized services. Wippo IT provides a wide range of services with a team that can implement various specialized systems in the IT infrastructure of a company.


Our highly skilled team – Wippo IT, has enabled us to realize projects in various IT fields, both in the Republic of Moldova  and abroad, including Denmark, Faroe Islands, Cyprus, Romania, Russia, United States, United Kingdom, Austria, Turkey and Nigeria. The experience gained in this sector led to the creation of a department within the company oriented towards the implementation of “ready”solutions. To meet customer needs, based on a small study, we offer the choice of purchasing a solution that is already developed, having as basis a lot of  certifications and experience operating within many companies, or the option to design and develop a customized system (according to customer requirements). The Wippo IT company’s mission is to help companies optimize their costs, streamline processes and increase profitability in their daily work.

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